(2016.2.21 Created)
In this page, Arduino UART sub class is explained. Information about super class (base class ) is explained here. And these classes can download here.
The UART class is implemented as a simple wrapper of Arduino Serial class. Therefore functions and limitations are followed on it, therefore the functions shown below doesn't work.
Arduino UNOの場合ハードウェアシリアルは1chしか存在しておらず、PCとの通信に使用されています。このためマイコンにプログラムを書き込んだ後、一度USBケーブルを抜く必要があります。
Arduino UNO has only 1 serial channel, and it is used for communication with computer. So, after you transfer the program to UNO, you have to plug out once.
コンストラクタ / Constructor |
Declaration |
UART( ); |
Return |
None |
Parameter | None |
備考 |
ボーレートは最初9600に設定されます。 Baud rate are set to 9600. |
#include "DKS_UART_Arduino.h" #include "DKS_Util_Arduino.h" DKS::UART::UART *uart; int main(void) { DKS::InitSystem(); //Tx = D1, Rx=D0 uart = new DKS::UART::UART(); const uint32_t BaudRate = 56300; uart->setFormat(BaudRate, DKS::UART::Parity_None, DKS::UART::StopBits_One); uart->startToRead(); // write uint8_t SenData[]={0x01, 0x02, 0x03}; uart->write(SendData, sizeof(SendData)); uart->WaitUntilTransferCplt(); // read uint8_t res[9]; while (uart->BytesToRead() < 9) Delay(1); uart->read(res, 9); }